Case Study for 225 South Ferry Quay, Liverpool, L3 4EE We acquired the freehold estate of this dockside three storey townhouse property for the leaseholder using the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 and completed in 2019, at a price of £1666.00 plus agreed Landlords permissible fees of £1100.00 (inclusive of VAT), totaling £2766.00 to pay. Our… Read more »
This property contained three flats within a Victorian Terrace and each held on leases for a term of 120 years from 1978 having approximately 83 years still to run at a passing rent of £30 per annum doubling every 40 years. All three flat owners wished to purchase the freehold and we set up a… Read more »
This city centre property was converted to provide 11 apartments in recent years, and the flat owners considered the freeholders management costs to be excessive. The flat owners asked Orme Associates for advice. The presence of the retail premises and two basement floors meant the 25% non-residential threshold was exceeded for qualification for the Right… Read more »
The residents of this block of 10 apartments wished to purchase the freehold to their block of flats, to include the car park and gardens. Each of the flat has approximately 91 years still to run and paid a ground rent of £50 per annum. The nominee purchaser Alvon Court (Freehold) Limited was established and… Read more »
Our client wished to acquire the freehold to this property which had 137 years still to run with an original rent of £80 pa reviewable by reference to Retail Price Inflation every five years, and had risen to £128.18 pa. During our valuation we noticed that the reviewed rent should actually be £113.25 pa, and… Read more »
This property was held by the shop owners and had just 7½ years still to run with a peppercorn rent. Orme Associates proceeded to acquire the freehold from the Landlord, Liverpool City Council, and no agreement on price could be reached,and so made an application to the First-tier Tribunal for a determination on price. We… Read more »
These properties were held leasehold from Adriatic Land Limited (freeholder) by the leaseholders for a term of 900 years from 2006 and at a rent of £200 pa reviewable in line with the Retail Price Index at five yearly intervals, with £263 pa then payable. Orme Associates have acquired the freehold to two properties at… Read more »